Focusing professionals directory

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  • Paris

    Danielle McShine 

    Focusing is a key to unlocking a natural human inheritance. Through this gentle and transformative approach, I've learned that we can be at home with ourselves, whatever the outer circumstances of our lives, and grow more skilled at welcoming both challenges and joys, as new possibilities unfold.

  • South Hams

    Heather (Hajah) Tetley 

    I have been a qualified Focusing Practitioner for 8 years & a practicing Companion for 20+. I am also a Transpersonal counsellor. I teach mediation & active mindfulness. Since 1965 I have been actively involved in spiritual traditions of all World religions, blessed with wonderful teachers.

  • Unnamed Road, Drummin, Co. Galway, Ireland

    Marta Fabregat 

    Focusing for me is like a tree with branches pointing at the universe. A way of coming home, a door opening up to the possibility of Love emerging towards us when we most needed. I offer Focusing alone or as a companion in the process of inquiry as an NVC Trainer and Plant Healing Practitioner.

  • Rickmansworth

    Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body - that’s been a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opened so tangibly. The trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment became irreversible, so here I am, open to explore and inquire with you

  • London

    Alex Brew 

    I am a BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner. In Focusing sessions you can expect to develop trust in your felt sense of your life situations and move beyond talking about issues into somatic release.

  • Dublin

    Robert Copperwhite 

    Focusing has given me a way to engage with all layers of my experience (thoughts, emotions, feelings, and other hard to define states) in a way that allows them to unfold without agenda. I love it for the richness it has brought and the difficulties is has helped me to untangle.

  • Shrewsbury

    Vajrapriya Moss 

    I practice from Shrewsbury UK, having first encountered focusing in 2011. I find the practice of great benefit alongside my spiritual practice (of Buddhism), as well as in digesting the everyday rough-and-tumble of life to see what I feel.

  • Kingston upon Thames

    Sonya Steller 

    Hello. I fell in love at first encounter with focusing some 12 years ago in Scotland and have been practicing one way and another ever since. My ongoing focusing partnerships are some of the most valuable relationships I have.

  • London

    Mary Louise Morris 

    I am a Mindfulness teacher and Focusing practitioner who works with adults, children and teenagers. Through Focusing I have learnt to listen to and trust my body's wisdom, and have developed confidence that in any situation, something in me knows the next right step.

  • Bristol

    Nigel Gibbons 

    I've been a Focusing practitioner since 2012, and use it within my counselling and supervision practice, and in creative writing.

  • Dublin

    Fiona O'Meara 

    I came to Focusing through deep suffering. I have a chronic illness but Focusing has taught me how to work with the symptoms in ways that have resulted in dramatic improvement. I am an Inner Relationship Focusing Practitioner and Trainer, who certified under Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin.

  • Porziano

    Alex Maunder 

    I am a Body Worker and a Focusing Trainer with the Focusing Institute and a Co-ordinator in Training, so I offer Wholebody Experiential Focusing individual sessions, group workshops, and training as a TFI Trainer.

  • Torridge

    Sarah Hadfield 

    Sarah is a GP and Mind-Body Practitioner. She integrates Focusing into her work helping clients to understand their physical symptoms from a whole-person perspective. She guides her clients to cultivate an inner relationship to their body, mind and spirit that facilitates self-healing.

  • Rob Foxcroft 

    Meeting focusing was a homecoming: 'These are my people. I knew this all my life. Now I have friends in this inner world.' Focusing and listening have carried my life forward for many years. It has been a joy and a privilege to share focusing with others, and to listen to their inward explorations.

  • Amy McCormack 

    I am an integrative counsellor working in private practice and a focusing practitioner. Learning to focus and developing a regular practice has transformed my relationship with myself. Consequently it is now at the heart of my therapeutic work.

  • Bristol

    Gwen Williams 

    Focusing offers us a way to meet and be with ourselves in a way that is gentle and compassionate, where everything in our experience is welcomed and every part of us valued.

  • Chalfont Saint Peter

    Sabine Lees 

    I am a BACP registered Counsellor and work for the past 9 years in private practice in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire.

  • Malvern Hills

    Cathy Rowan 

    Focusing has enabled me to transform my life from an existence of micromanaging chronic pain to one of finding myself again. The Focusing process gently created showed me how to feel safe living in my body rather than being stuck in dissociation and freeze which had underpinned much of the pain.

  • English Speakers Abroad

    Astrid Schillings 

    Focusing came into my life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with my wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit I became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. I have been been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive...

  • Uttlesford

    Elizabeth English 

    Hello, I'm delighted to offer Focusing sessions, and combine it with my work as a Mindfulness Teacher and Trainer in Nonviolent Communication.